Answer :
The room was dark and the general aura of the room felt so tragic. There was no on in the room. Just a man, muttering to himself nonsense. He seemed so lost and hopless, just sitting there. There were strange decorations of unpleasant dolls and toys in a dirty old garbage can in the corner of the room. It was hard to see. Yet it was so noticable. The mans eyes were empty and when he mutterd, it told me he was in a dark place he couldn't get his mind out of. He looked up at me and he seemed to be begging me to never end up like him and to help him. I looked in the uncomfortable room once and decided I would ignore him. I probably should have helped the old man, but I didn't. I guess I was being selfish. Maybe I should of helped.
Leaving the restaurant, we took the wrong turn into a dark and sketchy alley way. I still smell the stomach turning stench. I still see mold growing on the cheese next to the steps. And I still hear drips off in the distance into a puddle of something. A figure of a man walked up to us, wearing a ripped black trench coat, and a hat that looked like it had been thrown in the ocean for two years, with the smell of cigars trailing behind him. I remember being so scared. My mom stood in front of me and dad in front of her. The man was mumbling stuff, but I couldn't understand. Before I knew it, I was standing paralyzed in front of my parents lying on the floor.
I used vivid imagery, describing a gothic setting.