Answer :
v = speed of car with no wind
u = speed of the wind along the path of the car
v - u = speed when going against the wind
v + u = when going in the same direction as the wind
v - u = d/t1
v + u = d/t2
2v = [d/t1 + d/t2]
v = (1/2)[d/t1 + d/t2]
course the meanings of t1 and t2 are not important equation in exactly the same way
So ,
the method to use is method 1.
u/v = 0.0240 so u = 0.024v
Other method v = d/[(t1 + t2)/2] = (2){1/[t1/d + t2/d]}
diff = (1/2)[d/t1 + d/t2] - (2){1/[t1/d + t2/d]}