Answer :


Look what I have found on your topic. Do not copy it blindly. Try to think of the original text or you may turn to the writers from Prime Writings. The setting and tone in “The Lottery” are very important aspects that give the reader a sense of where they are and an overall feeling of what the story should be like. At the start, Jackson is very specific in describing the setting of her story. She says “The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full summer day”. Imagining this puts the reader in a place that seems very welcoming. It is the start of summer and everything is getting ready for a new beginning. This is very misleading because Jackson gives her audience the sense that this is a normal town that goes about their day to day lives just as any other town would. But this is not the case when it is later revealed that it is an end rather than a new beginning because the winner of the lottery is stoned to death. The tone of the story quickly changes once the reader realizes what the point of the lottery really is. There is something very secretive and bizarre about this town that leaves the reader with many questions about why it is the way it is, and how it got to be like this. Old man Warner relates to this as he is the oldest man in town. He symbolizes the tradition in this unusual ritual the villagers partake in.

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