Answer :
Helpful feedback means sharing with your peers what you think they can improve on. When giving feedback you should be polite and not too mean but let them know at the same time. They want feedback to get better so help them out.
- just be respectful and understandable!
Feedback should be kind and understandable: be more specific when you're writing feedback. Your people want to improve on their projects/work and want them to become more and more successful. Even when they're really good at their assignments and don't need feedback, it's fine to give them good feedback; for example, you can tell them what you like about their work. They want feedback, not just compliments for their work so they can get credit, but to get better at their classes or subject.
Two important things you need to be aware of is:
- Be polite; it's hard to give feedback to others, that's why you use tone in your words. Make it seem like you're trying to help them and fix their mistakes, all the while, try not to be mean and harsh during the process. Be respectful to others!
- Be specific; you're trying to give feedback to others, right? Remember, feedback is giving out suggestions, so the person can improve by starting with what you said. You also need to be clear in your words. Like Arnold said: it's best to work on the tiny bits and pieces of their mistakes and if you keep doing that, they'll probably understand what you're trying to give out!
Overall, just be polite and understandable whenever you're giving feedback!
( don't copy my work, just use this as an example, please. )