Answer :
Although Wang's father shared his good fortune with others, they still turned on him. This is the correct option.
Yun Wang uses the symbol of the fish -the carp- to relate this to the Chinese tradition. Some good values are represented through the carp: sharing , perseverance, luck and success. However, her father was not very lucky when he was in prison. In spite of the fact her father followed the tradition and believed in it, he was beaten to near death - this means that some people turned on him - when he saw her daughter near prison and put a message in her pocket. The message was for her: he wanted her to become a stong woman and find justice for him. Trdition was good but real people will do justice.
These options are not right:
-Wang's father was good a fisherman, but the people in his school did not care. ( The focus is set on the fact that her father was the school principal and he wanted to share the fish. Eveyone at school ate it and they did not give their opinions about it).
-The teachers and students at the school did not like the carp that Wang had brought them . ( They just ate the fish. They did not make any comments).
-Wang's father was wise to share his fish with his friends. ( The father followed a tradition but he did not share the fish with friends; he shared it with the whole school members).
The right answer is: Although Wang´s father(...)turned on him. The carp represents perseverance, luck and success and, in the end of the excerpt the people represent the loss of innocence and the flawed nature of the human beings, implying in this way that human nature is too changeable, showing that those who today admire you, tomorrow can be your fiercest detractors.