Answer :


By the time Kristallnacht (Night of Glass -- November 10, 1938) took place, it was evident that the Nazis were up to no good. They played on the antisemitism of most people in Europe and the Jews finally realized that they were not safe in Germany.

What they tried to do (it was too late) was either immigrate to the United States, Canada or Great Britain or they tried baptism into (mostly) the Catholic/Protestant Churches  or they tried to go to Palestine. For all sorts of reasons, some few were able to do one of the three but it wasn't many.

Fast forward to today. Some middle east refugees are willing to go almost anywhere to be anyplace but their home country. They are meeting all sorts of opposition from the countries they are applying to. Most have quotas and the quotas are large enough to take care of the people trying to flee.

That's a huge similarity.

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