Answer :
DOCTOR What symptoms do you have? JOSÉ LUIS I have a cough and my head hurts. I am very healthy I was prescribed an antibiotic. 2. DOCTOR When was the accident? Did you get a fever yesterday? Where's the emergency room? 3. JOSÉ LUIS He went to the pharmacy. I twisted my ankle. Yes, my wife took my temperature. 4. DOCTOR Is he very congested? Are you pregnant? Does your toe hurt? 5. JOSÉ LUIS Yes, I had an operation. Yes, I'm dizzy. Yes, and my throat also hurts. 6. DOCTOR You have to go to the office. It's a throat infection. The pharmacy is pretty close. 7. JOSÉ LUIS Do I have to take an antibiotic? Should I go to the dentist? What do the x-rays indicate? 8. DOCTOR Yes, you are a healthy person. Yes, he hurt his foot. Yes, now I'm going to prescribe it.