In a study conducted at Virginia Tech on the development of ectomycorrhizal, a symbiotic relationship between the roots of trees and a fungus, in whichminerals are transferred from the fungus to the trees and sugars from the trees to the fungus, 20 northern red oak seedlings exposed to the fungus Pisolithus tinctoruswere grown in a greenhouse. All seedlings were planted in the same type of soil and received the same amount of sunshine and water. Half received no nitrogen atplanting time, to serve as a control, and the other half received 368 ppm of nitrogen in the form NaNO3. The stem weights, in grams, at the end of 140days were recorded as follows:No Nitrogen Nitrogen0.32 0.260.53 0.430.28 0.470.37 0.490.47 0.520.43 0.750.36 0.790.42 0.860.38 0.620.43 0.46Construct a 95% confidence interval for the difference in the mean stem weight between seedlings that receive no nitrogen and thosethat receive 368 ppm of nitrogen. Assume the populations to be normally distributed with equal variances.

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