Answer :
Some advantages smartphones provide – better means of communication, learning options to users, great exposure to the latest things, ways to personality development, simple ways to access applications, ideas to succeed in business, platforms to grow their applications and more.
some negative impacts are that it lowers in real life communication. people will get used to talking to someone over a screen, where when it comes to communicating face to face it’s deemed as “awkward”. the confidence u have over a screen cannot be applied to the confidence u have in person. we tend to be more “tough” like over a screen than in person. violence, bullying, etc is also another bad thing. things from the internet that we see over our smartphones affects lives. what u put out there will be kept out there
some negative impacts are that it lowers in real life communication. people will get used to talking to someone over a screen, where when it comes to communicating face to face it’s deemed as “awkward”. the confidence u have over a screen cannot be applied to the confidence u have in person. we tend to be more “tough” like over a screen than in person. violence, bullying, etc is also another bad thing. things from the internet that we see over our smartphones affects lives. what u put out there will be kept out there