Esta grabación es un fragmento del documental Tocar y luchar, que trata de un programa de educación musical dirigido a jóvenes en situación de riesgo: El Sistema Nacional de Orquestas y Coros Juveniles e Infantiles de Venezuela. La grabación presenta información sobre este programa y sus metas, en palabras del fundador de El Sistema, el doctor José Antonio Abreu, músico, economista y educador venezolano considerado uno de los íconos culturales de Venezuela. En la grabación se resalta el efecto beneficioso que ha tenido la música en la comunidad, sus jóvenes participantes y la sociedad en general.

Answer :

This is what it would be if you translate it to English

This recording is a fragment of the documentary Tocar y lucha, which is about a music education program aimed at young people at risk: The National System of Youth and Children's Orchestras and Choirs of Venezuela. The recording presents information about this program and its goals, in the words of the founder of El Sistema, Dr. José Antonio Abreu, Venezuelan musician, economist and educator considered one of the cultural icons of Venezuela. The recording highlights the beneficial effect that music has had on the community, its young participants and society in general.



This recording is a fragment of the documentary Tocar y lucha, which is about a music education program aimed at young people at risk: The National System of Youth and Children's Orchestras and Choirs of Venezuela. The recording presents information about this program and its goals, in the words of the founder of El Sistema, Dr. José Antonio Abreu, Venezuelan musician, economist and educator considered one of the cultural icons of Venezuela. The recording highlights the beneficial effect that music has had on the community, its young participants and society in general.


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