
ABC Airlines has had delays on 18 of 126 recent flights.DEF Airlines has had delays 13 percent of the time.Which airlines would you expect to provide more reliable service?Why?

Answer :

To figure out which airline provides more reliable service, we need to figure out what ABC Airlines's delays are in percents.

To get that, we need to reduce 18/126 by 2.

When we reduce both the numerator and the denominator we get 9/63.

Now, we cannot reduce that again, without getting a decimal for the numerator/denominator.

So, now that we know that the fraction is 9/63, we divide it, and we get :

Changing that into a percent, we get 14%.

14% is the percent that ABC Airlines has delays. 
DEF Airlines has delays of 13% in recent flights.

So, from that, we can conclude that DEF gives more reliable service.

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