Answer :
Question 1: Necesito sacar dinero. Voy al banco.
Question 2: Quiero ahorrar para comprar una casa. Pongo el dinero en una cuenta de ahorros.
Question 3: Voy a pagar, pero no quiero pagar al contado ni con tarjeta de crédito. Voy a usar un cheque.
Question 4: Cuando uso un cheque, el dinero sale de mi cuenta corriente.
Question 5: Para cobrar un cheque a mi nombre, lo tengo que firmar por detrás.
Question 6: Para ahorrar, pienso depositar $200 en mi cuenta de ahorros todos los meses.
The translation of the questions are:
Question 1: I need to get money. I go to the bank. (banco=bank)
Question 2: I want to save to buy a house. I put the money in a savings account. (cuenta de ahorros=savings account)
Question 3: I'm going to pay, but I don't want to pay in cash or with a credit card. I will use a check. (cheque=check)
Question 4: When I use a check, the money goes out of my checking account. (cuenta corriente=checking account)
Question 5: To cash a check in my name, I have to sign it on the back. (firmar=to sign)
Question 6: To save, I plan to deposit $ 200 in my savings account every month. (depositar= to deposit)