e 43. Which of the following rocks on the igneous rock chart has the most silica (SiOs) in it, and therefore should contain quartz? a. granite b. diorite c. gabbro d. basalt

Answer :


a. granite


  • Granite: light-colored igneous rock with grains large enough to be visible with the unaided eye. It forms from the slow crystallization of magma below the Earth's surface. Granite is composed mainly of quartz and feldspar with minor amounts of mica, amphiboles, and other minerals. It has a high silica content between 69%-77%.
  • Diorite: is produced in volcanic arcs, and in mountain building, it is commonly speckled black and white. It has high silica content, between 52%-63% (less than granite).
  • Gabbo: is often found along mid-ocean ridges or in ancient mountains composed of compressed and uplifted oceanic crust. It has medium silica content, between 45%-52%.
  • Basalt: is the most widespread of all igneous rocks, and comprises more than 90% of all volcanic rocks, is dark and dense. It has low silica content, between 45%-52%.

Considering this information we can conclude that the correct answer is a.granite because it has 69%-77% silica content and is composed mainly of quartz.

I hope you find this information useful and interesting! Good luck!

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