Answer :
Answer:A researcher proposes to join a moderated support group for cancer survivors posing as a survivor. She plans to insert comments to see how the members respond
What is the principle of autonomy?
In this principle a researcher must give participants an opportunity to decide freely or voluntarily whether they want to participate in research or not after a researcher has given them a break down of everything that is crucial and that they need to know inorder for them to make the informed decisions.
Other principles go hand in hand with the principle of autonomy and those are as follow :
beneficence which states that participants need to be informed about the purpose of the research before they can decide.
Non-maleficence this means a person must be informed of any risks that are involved so that even if they decided to go extra mile it would be a well informed decision.
Fidelity a trust relationship need to be built between a researcher and participants so that they feel comfortable to participate.
Justice potential participants need to be aware that they will be participating in a research .
From all that has been explained above the researcher failed to do so there was no justice because the participants were not told , they also didn't even know they were under research hence a researcher did this without their consent these are all concerning because what if they did not want to participate in this research?