
The Bowen's Discontinuous Reaction series involves continuously with falling temperatures. O True O False mafic minerals, where the reactions occur at specific temperatures. Continuous Reaction series involves the mineral plagioclase, where the reactions occur QUESTION 4 In the chemical evolution of magma, there are internal and external processes. Internal processes include: magma fixing and assimilation. While external processes include: fractionation, and crystal settling. O True False 10 QUESTION 5 What does the viscosity of magma depend on? Temperature, chemical composition, and volatile content. Temperature The rate at which the magma formed The place at which the magma formed.

Answer :


Question 3: True

Question 4: False

Question 5: option a


Question 3:

In the Bowen's Reaction arrangement, the persistent arrangement portrays and clarifies the development of the plagioclase feldspars as they advance from being calcium-rich to incfeasingly sodium-rich with consistently falling temperature conditions.  

Then again, the discontinuous arrangement depicts the development of the mafic minerals, for example: pyroxene, olivine, biotite mica and amphibole each at an unmistakable temperature.

Question 4: False

Fractionation and crystal settling are a piece of partial crystallization and they are internal procedures.

Question 5: option a

Viscosity of a given magma increments with expanding silica content, diminishing temperature and diminishing volatile substance.

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