Answer :
Answer: The Hellenistic age may be seen to end with the final conquest of the Greek heartlands in 146 BC.
The Hellenistic Period is part of the Ancient Period in the European and Near to Asia. This is a period that is justified by the extent of the Hellenic culture in these areas.
Because of the Greek presence in Asia after Alexander's conquests.
To the west of Greece, a young empire was forming that would become Rome. In 202 B.C., Rome was able to defeat Carthage in northern Africa.
Rome then turned its attention to Greece, which lay between Rome and the Seleucid territory that stretched across Asia toward India.
A series of battles took place over the next fifty years that resulted in the complete domination of Greece by Rome. After the defeat of the Seleucids, all that remained of Greek glory lay to the south in Egypt.
Ptolemy I Soter & Eurydice
Ptolemy had become ruler of Egypt and the surrounding areas in 305 B.C. He founded the Ptolemaic Dynasty, which would rule for almost 300 years. Rather than force Greek ways on Egyptian culture, Ptolemy adopted many of the Egyptian beliefs and customs, thus endearing himself to the people.
His son, Ptolemy II, ruled well, maintaining the peace and prosperity of the kingdom. Ptolemy III, however, became once again involved with war. He expanded the kingdom as far as Babylonia. Although this set the mark for the growth and development of the Ptolemaic reign, it also set the stage for its eventual downfall. The next three kings were weak, and much of the territory won, was lost.
Cleopatra VII
By the time of Ptolemy XIV, the empire was in trouble. His wife, Cleopatra VII, had him killed in 44 B.C. She partnered with Mark Antony, who had become part of a triumvirate ruling Rome. When he and Octavian, another member of the triumvirate, had a falling-out, Octavian attacked and defeated Mark Antony, who then killed himself. Cleopatra followed suit after the loss of her love, and the Ptolemaic reign ended. This also marked the end of the Hellenistic period.
Many ideas, art forms, and philosophies from the Hellenistic period were carried forward into succeeding generations, most notably, the Romans. It marked an era of change in the world and signified the beginning of perhaps the greatest civilization of all time. The Roman Empire, in many ways, was built upon the work of the Greeks. Together, they marked a significant advancement in human history.
For short just read this: The Hellenistic world fell to the Romans in stages, but the era ended for good in 31 B.C. That year, in the Battle at Actium, the Roman Octavian defeated Mark Antony's Ptolemaic fleet.
Hope this helps!
Stay safe and have a great day! :))))))))