
Where was the town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, located?

A. in Confederate territory

B. in a border state

C. in Union territory

D. on the Mississippi River

Answer :

The town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania was located in union territory.

Answer: Option C


Setbacks were high with all-out misfortunes on the two sides – more than 27,000 Confederate and 23,000 Union. The inhabitants of Gettysburg were left to think about the injured and cover the dead after the Confederate retreat. Around 8,000 men and 3,000 ponies lay under the late spring sun.

The fighters' bodies were bitten by bit re-interred in what is today known as Gettysburg National Cemetery, where, on November 19, 1863, Abraham Lincoln went to a function to authoritatively bless the grounds and conveyed his Gettysburg Address.