Fill in the blanks with the missing verb forms in the present tense. 1. Infinitivo a) cantar b) ___________ c) ___________ d) ___________ e) ___________ f) ___________ 2. yo a) ___________ b) pregunto c) ___________ d) ___________ e) ___________ f) ___________ 3. tú a) ___________ b) ___________ c) contestas d) ___________ e) ___________ f) ___________ 4. Ud., él, ella a) ___________ b) ___________ c) ___________ d) practica e) ___________ f) ___________ 5. nosotros/as a) ___________ b) ___________ c) ___________ d) ___________ e) deseamos f) ___________ 6. Uds., ellos a) ___________ b) ___________ c) ___________ d) ___________ e) ___________ f) Ilevan

Answer :


In order to complete the lists of verbs in this exercise, you have to take the verbs from each of the items and follow the inflections provided in each sample. Note that each item on the list has one verb. each of these verbs have to be used in the other items as well, completing all the inflections of the present tense in Spanish for these verbs.

Example: The first item on the list ("infinitivo") includes the verb cantar, thus we have to use the verb cantar in order to form the inflection of the personal pronoun yo (I) the second item as well (canto).


1. Infinitivo a) cantar b) preguntar c) contestar d) practicar e) desear f) llevar

2. yo a) canto b) pregunto c) contesto d) practico e) deseo f) llevo

3. tú a) cantas b) preguntas c) contestas d) practicas e) deseas f) llevas

4. Ud., él, ella a) canta b) pregunta c) contesta d) practica e) desea f) lleva

5. nosotros/as a) cantamos b) preguntamos c) contestamos d) practicamos e) deseamos f) llevamos

6. Uds., ellos a) cantan b) preguntan c) contestan d) practican e) desean f) Ilevan


The correct missing conjugation of the verb in each case in Spanish is:

  1. Infinitivo a) cantar b) preguntar c) contestar d) practicar e) desear f) llevar.
  2. yo a) canto b) pregunto c) contesto d) practico e) deseo f) llevo.
  3. tú a) cantas b) preguntas c) contestas d) practicas e) deseas f) llevas.
  4. Ud., él, ella a) canta b) pregunta c) contesta d) practica e) desea f) lleva.
  5. nosotros/as a) cantamos b) preguntamos c) contestamos d) practicamos e) deseamos f) llevamos.
  6. Uds., ellos a) cantan b) preguntan c) contestan d) practican e) desean f) Ilevan.

Present Tense in Spanish

It must be recognized that the vast majority of the verbs used in the response are conjugated in the present tense, however, the first verbs are in their infinitive form, which is characterized by the endings -ar, -er,   -ir.

Finally, in the response it can be clearly identified that depending on the personal pronoun used, the verbal conjugation is modified.

If you want to learn more about Present Tense in Spanish, you can visit the following link:

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