Answer :
There will be many people fighting for a single job which will cause high unemployment rates and higher crime rates.
As the shift of population from rural to urban continues in developing countries, the most important issue of the ones listed w in option will be fighting high unemployment rates in cities.
Answer: Option B
Among developing world African cities have great hike in percentage of poverty nearly 41% of Urban Population living below poverty line which resulted from unemployment.
Such data’s are showing hike from time to time although development statistics is heading toward more positive side in many developing countries still unemployment is big issue, so here is the main factor which came out as always is population which have its own number count increment per year.
Unemployment is rooted in place first rather than person. When developed villages/blocks ˃ towns ˃ Districts > Cities > States > Countries collectively move towards development then only employment rate increment can be fetched rather than migrating from one place to another.