Answer :
Music in Korea defines who someone is. It sets the bar of how people are supposed to act look, and what to say. Its what molds people into a common product. But this just isn't in Korea, but in America, Europe, and all around. Music is something that is catchy and to a familair tune, which will get stuck in someones head. When it gets stuck in the persons head, they will sing it, spreading the message of the song.
This is expecically true for religion. If someone goes along singing a catchy hymn, and somone who has not heard of the religion like it, they may ask about the song. Once realizing the lyrcis, the person may be introduced to the religion, and become a part of the religion. Music is a movemnet, which helps other movements follow along.
A good example of this movement creating a movement or trend would be 'hot girl summer'. This is a song about living with no limits and living freely, a song which many people wish to live by. So naturaly when people heard this song and the message of it, they enjoyed it and created a movement from it. 'Hot Girl Summer' became the trend from one song. People started living carelessly and with no limmits from one three minuet song.