Answer :
1. Started Considering Warren G. Harding as irresponsible and incapable president.
2. Crime rate went up and start of the Gangster era.
3. To arrest the leftist anarchists.
1. The Teapot Dome Scandal is also known as oil reserves scandal related to the secret leasing of federal oil reserves by the interior secretary. This scandal was probably the most significant presidential scandal in American history in the 20th century. Before this scandal, President Warren G. Harding was considered as a real American and an idol to everyone. But after this incident, people started thinking Harding as an irresponsible person because of his personal issues and affairs. This scandal had a long term impact on the Republican party and historians also admitted that Harding was the least capable president in the US history.
2. The prohibition law was passed to ban on alcohol, but the bill has so many loopholes. People of America still wanted to drink alcohol, and there was a massive demand for it. To supply this illegal demand, many gangs have arisen, and the crime rate has started to grow. Gangs like Al Capone made thousands of dollars supplying Illegal alcohol at that time. This prohibition law led to the rising of the gangster era in the US.
3. The primary purpose of the Palmer raid is to capture the radical leftist and communists who were mostly immigrants. The Palmer Raids occurred after the world war I. Americans feared the Russians and socialism at that time. Fear of communism led to the Palmer Raids. Anarchist believed that there should be no government and the general people should work together to improve the condition of the society, and this was considered as a threat to the government.