Answer :
The best answers to your question: Which scientist´ theories supported the general consensus of the people and religious teaching of the time, would be: Aristotle, and Ptolemy. All of the other choices went with the Heliocentric theory, against the Geocentric generalized belief, and which was the theory accepted by the Church at the time.
For a very long time, including during Ancient Greece, and with the exception of the theories proposed by Aristachus, who was the first to propose a heliocentric idea of the universe, most people belived that the Earth was the center of the Universe and all planets and stars revolved around it. This was known as the Geocentric theory. Aristotle, was one of the many Greeks who believed that this was the truth. During the Middle Ages, a time when Greek teachings were mostly ignored except by those inside the Church, the theory of Geocentrism was the one accepted and adopted. Anyone proposing otherwise, was punished for it. Copernicus and Galileo (who even went to jail for it), both took up the idea of Heliocentrism (The Sun being the center, and not the Earth) that had been once started by Aristachus, and later on proved that the Church´s and people´s generalized believe on Geocentrism, was wrong. Ptolemy, on the other hand, also believed that the theory of Geocentrism was the correct one.