Answer :
Building his typology of the Renaissance culture, Burkhardt turns to an important point - the problem of attitude to the supernatural. At a mental level, not controlled by the individual, namely faith determines general socio-psychological attitudes. This fact Burkhardt does not question and draws attention to its specific historical manifestations. At the center of the problem of interest in the interpretation of the scientist is the attitude of various peoples to higher subjects - to God, virtues and immortality.
Burkhardt fixes the specifics of the medieval mentality, in particular in Italy, quite clearly: the power of imagination, the socio-psychological settings of a particular individual, are directed to God. Moreover, the attitude towards the supernatural is positive, it does not contradict the everyday practice of spiritual being. So, the Middle Ages, recognizing God, i.e., faith in the divine leadership of the world, had Christianity as their source and support and the church as an expression of its external power.
In the late Middle Ages, the situation changes dramatically. A number of socio-economic and political circumstances change it to the opposite.
First, there was a clear decline in those social structures that were previously responsible for the reproduction of the general attitude towards the supernatural, that is, towards God. The Institute of the Church was decaying. Burkhardt notes that it can theoretically be assumed that in such a situation, society can distinguish between the church as a social institution and Christianity itself and continue to uphold religion. However, the scientist points out, such attitudes are easier to formulate than to fulfill.
By the time of the Renaissance, the attitude of the upper and middle Italian estates to the church as a social institution was composed of deep, complete contempt of indignation, of adaptation to the existing system of church hierarchy, as well as of a feeling of still existing traditional mental dependence on sacraments and blessings.
In such conditions, a new spiritual environment arose in Italy, the culture of the Renaissance flourished. Its base was humanism, which is based on a qualitatively different attitude to the supernatural and new mental manifestations accompanying such an attitude. An individual by the time of the Italian Renaissance was in constant spiritual tension or excitement. The spiritual vacuum was rapidly being filled with worldliness, arising primarily through an abundant influx of new views, thoughts and tasks regarding nature and human.