Answer :

Answer: at least 9


Support each main idea with at least two good details from reliable sources. Supporting details are the heart of your paper. So use details that you know will convince your reader that what you say is true, and that you are giving them information they can count on.


Every main idea should be supported by at least 2 supporting details.


Supporting details include any of the following:

1. COMPARISONS in which one thing is shown to be like another.

EXAMPLE: Skilled college students are like the unskilled students in their desire

for a diploma.

2. CONTRASTS in which one things is shown to differ from another.

EXAMPLE: Skilled students are different from unskilled students in that they use a method to read a textbook.


EXAMPLE: 75 percent of the students who do not attend class regularly receive grades of C or worse.


5. QUOTATIONS from authorities

EXAMPLE: Professor Smity admits, “I tell students they don’t need to attend

my class if they don’t want to. I know, however, that if they don’t

come, they won’t pass.”

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