Answer :
Answer:The initial mistake at the party is an example of: PRIMARY DEVIANCE.
Deviance refers to a behaviour that is out of the societal norms.
Primary refers to a first stage in which someone start a behaviour that is out of the societal norms or that violate these norms.
Primary deviance is the initial engagement to this out of the norm behaviour and at this stage the behaviour is not yet identified with him their self concept is still preserved at this stage because they haven't changed themselves to fit with this deviant act until when people start to recognise it and give names to this behaviour then secondary deviant may start to kick in .
A person who came to a party wearing a wrong constume has really altered any of his identity to identify with this constume it was just a result of misunderstanding however when they start to label him as crazy he start to internalise what people are saying and believe it and he may start acting crazy as a result and that will be secondary deviant behaviour.