Answer :
The trend of human evolution the size of the brain keeps on expanding due to climatic changes.The average brain size of H.sapiens is 1,350 gms.The brain expansion might have began with H.habilis (6oogms) with small body.The H.habilis are more talented than Neanderthals
Brain structure: The brain undergone some remarkable changes from its evolution.The primitive brain is made up of bundle of cells which gets information through its sense organs.The size of h.sapiens brain is larger than their body size and more complex.Different regions of brain perform different functions. For instance,cerballum indulge in coordination and movement whereas the cerebral cortex involved in memory, and language consciousness
Brain size; The size of the brain increased from the evidence of paleolithic skulls.the paleolithic period actually call it as old stone age period.From the evolution period the human brain continues to expand due strong climatic factors.The average H.sapiens brain is about 1,350gms and H.habilis (600 gms) with small body The H.habilis are more talented than Neanderthals..The average brain size in chimpanzee is 395gms and gorilla is 490gms.
Jaw: Homo sapiens are the ones to which modern humans belong.They are physically resemble with primates. The primates are hand to mouth feeders,they used to pluck edible things from the trees and eat them to exist They don’t have the knowledge of making tools so they had to relied on the ir hands to collect food and process them by using their jaws and teeth.
Tools:The hominins made tools by using stones.their primitive tools are hammers,anvils and cutting tools. The tools are sharp-edge stones for cutting meats,hides,and other plant products. They are purely dependent on natural resources