In Java: Write a class called Shelf that contains instance data that repre-sents the length, breadth, and capacity of the shelf. Also include a boolean variable called occupied as instance data that repre-sents whether the shelf is occupied or not. Define the Shelf con-structor to accept and initialize the height, width, and capacity of the shelf. Each newly created Shelf is vacant (the constructor should initialize occupied to false). Include getter and setter methods for all instance data. Include a toString method that returns a one-line description of the shelf. Create a driver class called ShelfCheck, whose main method instantiates and updates several Shelf objects.

Answer :

Answer:see explanation


Hello, the solution is the following:

in a file named :

public class Shelf{

   int length;

   int breadth;

   int capacity;

   boolean occupied;

   Shelf(int length,int breadth, int capacity){

       this.length = length;

       this.breadth = breadth;

       this.capacity = capacity;

       this.occupied = false;



   //set methods

   public void setLength(int length){

       this.length = length;


   public void setBreadth(int breadth){

       this.breadth = breadth;


   public void setCapacity(int capacity){

       this.capacity = capacity;


   public void setOccupied(boolean occupied){

       this.occupied = occupied;



   //get methods

   public int getLength(){

       return this.length;


   public int getBreadth(){

       return this.breadth;


   public int getCapacity(){

       return this.capacity;


   public boolean getOccupied(){

       return this.occupied;



   //tostring method


   public String toString(){//overriding the toString() method  

 return "Shelf: \n"+" length: "+Integer.toString(this.length)+" breadth: "+Integer.toString(this.breadth)+" capacity: "+Integer.toString(this.capacity)+" occupied: "+Boolean.toString(this.occupied);



in another file named

public class ShelfCheck {

 public static void main(String[] args) {

   Shelf s1=new Shelf(100,150,300);

   Shelf s2=new Shelf(200,200,234);  

   Shelf s3=new Shelf(300,222,543);  

   Shelf s4=new Shelf(400,434,654);

















length: 100 breadth: 150 capacity: 300 occupied: false


length: 200 breadth: 200 capacity: 234 occupied: false


length: 300 breadth: 222 capacity: 543 occupied: false


length: 400 breadth: 434 capacity: 654 occupied: false


length: 5 breadth: 434 capacity: 654 occupied: false


length: 200 breadth: 2 capacity: 234 occupied: false


length: 300 breadth: 222 capacity: 1 occupied: false


length: 100 breadth: 150 capacity: 300 occupied: true

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