Answer :

Answer: by joining a political group or party


If someone joins a political group it is likely that they will meet people who are like minded , who share the same political ideas and opinions. The person will then be able to influence public policies by making sure that they put the right people into the public office as members of a political group.

The person will get to work with the like minded people to have the political impact that they desire or to strive together to reach that goal which is made a bit easy when one is not functioning alone. Being in a political group also allows someone to practical do something because of the resources and permissions that each political groups have as compared to individuals trying to act on political matters.

There is a strength in numbers so it is likely to push you political ideas when you work as a group , the voice of the majority rules.

Political parties perform key tasks in a democratic society, such as

- Influencing public policies on behalf of members and supporters.

- educate voters on how political parties functions

- encourage citizens to voice their opinions which can have influence on political decisions.

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