Perform online research and identify how leitmotifs were used in the soundtrack for the movie adaptation of the first Harry Potter novel. Identify

their effects in the movie.

Answer :



A leitmotif, defined by the Merriam-Webster  dictionary is "an associated melodic phrase  or figure that accompanies the reappearance  of an idea, person or situation. A dominant  recurring theme". In the movie adaptation of  Harry Potter, the soundtrack was portrayed by  various leitmmotifs or how is called nowadays  a music theme. Music themes, refer to a character,  situation or idea. For example, we could find  the leitmotif of Hedwig (the owl). Every time  it appeared or was mentioned in the movie, his  theme was played. This created an effect of  acknowledgement and recognition of the character  and/or the situation of what was happening.  This made the audience foresee of what was coming.


Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is a novel by J. K. Rowling. John Williams composed the soundtrack for the motion picture adaptation of the novel. In the music, Williams used a leitmotif related to the character Hedwig (Harry Potter’s pet owl), referred to as Hedwig’s Theme. The theme became popular and was adopted as the leitmotif for the series, appearing in some form in every movie. The music plays an important part in identifying the character in the movie.

Hedwig’s Theme has a melodic motif that creates a fairy-tale atmosphere at the beginning of the movie. The theme uses multiple musical instruments, but the violins stand out—they represent the owl’s wings in flight. The brass section accents the tight turns shown in Hedwig’s flight.


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