
Amino acid-based hormones use a second messenger, cyclic AMP, but steroid hormones ________________________.

complex inside the nucleus with a receptor and DNA to initiate protein synthesis

trigger a response by their buildup along the cell membranes, stopping key materials from entering the cell

must use ATP to enter the cell, releasing ADP into the cytoplasm, which then becomes cyclic AMP

Answer :


Amino acid-based hormones use a second messenger, cyclic AMP, but steroid hormones __________complex inside the nucleus with a receptor and DNA to initiate protein synthesis______________.


Steroid hormones (among them: estrogen, progesterone, estradiol, cortisol, aldosterone) cross the plasma membrane joining intracellular receptors. These hormone-receptor complexes bind to specific DNA sequences, called hormonal response elements HRE), leading to modifications in gene transcription.

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