Answer :
Stainless steel
I will try to order the solutions from the least correct to the most correct.
Since a temperature greater than 200 ° F is required, that is to say approximately 93 ° c, Polycaprolactone is the least indicated. Its melting point is approximately 60 ° C, so it would not serve the required application.
On the other hand we have Untreated aluminum, which although it has a melting point higher than the required one, without a zinc and magnesium treatment it will easily oxidize in a salty environment, so it cannot be used in this choice either.
We have to compare the two steels.
The Mild Steel has a better corrosion resistance than the previous ones, but in a long-term cycle it will end up full of corrosion and therefore its properties will be highly affected.
Finally, we have stainless steel, which, as the name implies, contains in some of its variations chromium, zinc or magnesium in its alloys, which makes it highly resistant to corrosion.
In addition its melting point is above 1500 ° c.
The best choice is stainless steel.