Cesar Chavez was born on March 31, 1927, near Yuma, Arizona. Chavez is best known for his use of nonviolent means to draw attention to the poor working conditions of farm workers in the United States. He also formed the National Farm Workers Association in 1962. In 1972, the National Farm Workers Association merged with the Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee to become the United Farm Workers. Chavez led marches, boycotts, and hunger strikes. It is believed that these hunger strikes may have contributed to his death on April 23, 1993.

Chavez dedicated his life to improving the lives of farm workers, a life with which he was very familiar. Until he was ten, his parents had owned a farm. They lost this farm during the Great Depression, and he and his family became migrant farm workers. Chavez had to work even harder after his father was injured in an automobile accident. He knew all too well about the poor pay and terrible working conditions withstood by farm workers. Chavez used nonviolent means to fight for the improved treatment, pay, and working conditions of farm workers. He was instrumental in organizing one such famous strike against the California grape growers in 1965, a battle that lasted for years. At one point, Chavez even called for a national boycott against the grape growers. His efforts over the years resulted in several victories for farm workers. After his death, Chavez was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

What image would be best to use on a yearbook page about Cesar Chavez to illustrate an award for "Most Likely to Make History”?

a picture of Yuma, Arizona
a picture of farm tools
a picture of farm workers
a picture of a hunger strike

Answer :


a picture of farm workers in my opinion


I’d say a picture of farm workers because it stated that he dedicated his life to improving their lives

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