After MythBusters, Austin and Erin watch an episode of Shark Week. After watching Shark Week, Austin reports getting 20 utils from Shark Week and Erin reports getting 10 utils from Shark Week. Recall that the utility levels from MythBusters were 15 for Austin and 5 for Erin. Which statement is true? Choose one:
A. Both viewers get twice more utility from Shark Week than from MythBusters.
B. Erin liked Shark Week twice as much as MythBusters and Austin liked Shark Week better, but not twice as much.
C. Erin liked Shark Week twice as much as MythBusters and Austin feels the same about the two shows.
D. Both viewers got more utility out of Shark Week, but we cannot say how much more.

Answer :


The correct answer is option B.


Austin gets 20 utils from watching Shark Week and Erin gets 10 utils.

On the other hand, watching MythBusters Austin gets 15 utils and Erin gets 5 utils.  

We see that Erin gets twice as much utility from watching Shark Week as he gets from MythBusters. In other words, he gets twice as much satisfaction. This means that  Erin liked Shark Week twice as much as MythBusters.  

Austin gets more utility or satisfaction from watching Shark Week than he gets from MythBusters. Though it is not twice. This implies that Austin liked Shark Week better, but not twice as much.

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