
2. A solution that contains a small amount of salt and a large amount of water is said to be a _______ solution.
A. concentrated
B. saturated
C. monounsaturated
D. dilute
Student Answer: B
Answer: Incorrect

6. All of the following are assumptions presented by Dalton's atomic theory except that
A. atoms don't break into pieces even during chemical reactions.
B. atoms combine with other atoms.
C. all atoms of different elements are alike in size, shape, and weight.
D. all matter consists of atoms.
Student Answer: B
Answer: Incorrect

9. Which of the following is true in regard to ions?
A. An ionized atom has a number of protons that is unequal to the number of electrons.
B. Ions can only carry positive charges.
C. A cation will hold a positive charge if it gains one or more electrons.
D. Losing one or more electrons will turn an atom into an anion.
Student Answer: C
Answer: Incorrect

11. Which of the following medicinals are utilized to help reduce pain?
A. Tranquilizers
B. Sulfonamides
C. Analgesics
D. Insulin injectables
Student Answer: A
Answer: Incorrect

14. When given a compound, adding up all of the _______ of all of the individual atoms within one molecule of a compound will determine the molecular mass.
A. atomic numbers
B. atomic masses
C. electrons
D. protons
Student Answer: D
Answer: Incorrect

15. With regard to the pH scale, a solution with a pH
A. higher than 7 is considered an acid.
B. lower than 7 is considered basic.
C. of 6 is considered neutral.
D. close to 14 is considered a strong base.
Student Answer: B
Answer: Incorrect

19. Which of the following classifications of matter includes materials that can no longer be identified by their individual properties?
A. Element
B. Compound
C. Mixture
D. Atom
Student Answer: D
Answer: Incorrect

20. The valence of an element or radical is
A. equal to the number of positive or negative charges on the ion.
B. greater than the number of positive or negative charges on the ion.
C. less than the number of positive or negative charges on the ion.
D. not related to the number of positive or negative charges on the ion.
Student Answer: B
Answer: Incorrect

Answer :

2. A dilute solution means that the amount of solvent (water, for this particular case) is significantly larger than the solute (salt). Thus, the answer is D. 6. John Dalton's atomic theory states that matter is made up of tiny indestructible objects called matter. The theory also indicates that although same elements have the same atoms, each element have unique set atoms that deinfe them. From this, we can conclude that the wrong assumption is C. 9. Atoms, by default, are electrically neutral. When an atom loses or gains electron/s, then they become ionized atoms or commonly called as ions. Thus, ionized atoms imply unequal number of protons and electrons. This means the answer must be A. 11. Analgesics are commonly used to relieve pain. Thus, the answer is C. 14. Adding up the atomic mass of the individual atoms will give you the molar mass of a compound. Therefore, the answer is B.: 15. The pH scale provides us the alkalinity or acidity of a solution based on the value. A value between 0 to 6 indicates that the solution is acidic. 7 is considered neutral and a value between 7 and 14 indicates that the solution is basic. Thus, the answer is D. 19. An element has consistent properties and can no longer be further identified into having individual properties. Thus, the answer is A. 20. The valence of an element dependeds on the number of electrons on the outermost shell. Thus, it is equal to the number of charge negative or positive charges on the ion. Hence, we have A. :

Which of the following classifications of matter includes materials that can no longer be identified by their individual properties?

A. Element

B. Mixture

C. Atom

D. Compound



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