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1. Pangaea was covering 66 million square miles, while the rest of the surface was covered by water, accounting for 132 million square miles.
The continents have been moving in the past, and they still do at present. The motion of the continents has led to the creation of numerous super-continents, but also smaller continental masses after their breaking up. Pangaea was the last of the super-continents that had all of the large landmasses as part of it.
Pangaea was covering around one third of the surface of the planet, approximately 66 million square miles. The other two thirds of the planet were covered by ocean, approximately 132 million square miles. Pangaea started to break up though, and initially two large land masses formed, Laurasia on the north, and Gondwanaland on the south. With the further breaking apart, the modern day continents and oceans formed.
Some facts abound Pangaea are:
Learn more about Laurasia
2. North America and Europe will drift apart by 6,666,666.7 feet in 80 million years, or around 1,262 miles.
As mentioned earlier, the tectonic plates are moving, as described with the plate tectonics theory, and they are expected to do so in the future as well. That has led the scientists to believe that the continents will merge again in the distant future, approximately 80 million years from now. That of course has been based on current rates of movement and direction of movement of the plates.
North America and Europe drift apart, and that is occurring at the divergent boundary in the Atlantic Ocean, where there is a mid-ocean ridge. Europe is on the same plate with Asia though, and while North America moves away from it, it gets closer to Asia, so when it collides with, they will all be part of the same land mass.
With current directions of movement, the major plates move in the following directions:
Learn more about plate tectonics theory
3. With the current rate of movement, Africa and South America will drift apart by 1,010.1 miles in 80 million years from now.
The South American and African plates are moving away from each other. They are separated by the divergent plate boundary at the mid-Atlantic Ocean ridge. The current rate of drifting apart is around 8 inches annually.
Over longer period of time, like 80 million years, these two continents will drift apart by around 1,010.1 miles. With the directions of the movement of the continents, Africa will merge with Eurasia, while South America will move further away from the other land masses, becoming very isolated, in what is now the Pacific Ocean.
South America will be in close or closer proximity to:
Learn more about plate boundary types