How was the work of Newlands similar to that of Mendeleev on the periodic table?

A)They both arranged the elements in order of increasing atomic mass.

B)They both arranged elements that had similar properties into groups.

C)They both predicted the positions of undiscovered elements on the table.

D)They both placed the relative atomic mass of each element on the table.

Answer :

Newlands and Mendeleev both arranged that periodic table so that the elements were arranged in order by increasing atomic mass. Mendeleev was different than Newlands because he arranged some of the elements according to their physical properties as well as atomic mass and other factors.

The correct option is A.

John Newlands was an English scientist, in 1864 he arranged all the known elements in order of their relative increasing atomic mass. After doing this, he realized that some elements exhibit similar characteristic properties. In 1869, Mendeleev, who was a Russian scientist published the periodic table. He also arranged the elements based on their increasing atomic mass but he also went further and arranged the elements in such a way that, the elements with similar properties fall in the same column.

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