Answer :
The ratio between the masses of Jupiter and Venus is
[tex]\dfrac{1.989\cdot 10^{30}}{4.869\cdot 10^{27}}[/tex]
We can separate the coefficient and the powers of ten:
[tex]\dfrac{1.989\cdot 10^{30}}{4.869\cdot 10^{27}}=\dfrac{1.989}{4.869}\cdot \dfrac{10^{30}}{10^{27}}[/tex]
Use the exponent rule
to simplify the powers of 10:
So, the ratio is
[tex]\dfrac{1.989}{4.869}\cdot 10^3\approx 0.4\cdot 10^3=400[/tex]
So, Jupiter has a mass that is approximately 400 times greater than Venus's.