Answer :

Answer: Classification of Court cases


Classification of Court cases:

Knowledge Process: In this the judge must process and judge a particular procedural action. Which is subdivided into:

Declaratory - declares the existence or not of legal relationship, for the continuation or not of the process itself;

Condemnation - the existence of the legal relationship of the case is confirmed and the consequent punishment of the defendant is presented;

Constitutive - it is possible, by means of a sentence previously rendered, to alter the established legal relationship.

Cautionary Process: Commonly used in cases that require some urgency. Thus, it has certain particularities and characteristics such as: auxiliary, subsidiary, instrumental and provisional;

Enforcement Process: a court order that sets out the fulfillment and legal recognition of an obligation. However, it does not promote compliance with this act, which is delivered in the process itself.

Except in rare and very specific cases, the presence of a lawyer in a court case is more than essential, and indeed even mandatory, for the parties (accusatory and defensive) to be properly and legally represented.

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