Answer :
an egg comes first
a chicken lays the egg and then the egg hatches and a chick comes out of the egg shell and grows over time into a chicken :)
Okay just for fun!
Are egg and chicken different things or actually they are different stages of same life? The question will not be answered because it is caught in the infinite regression 'for every creation there must be a creator'. If someone asks you who created the world and if you are theist, you put fullstop on the question by saying god created it. But you have eluded the question by creating an entity called god. So question may arise if god doesn't require an explanation(a creator) for his existence then why can't the world exist on its own?
I think scientist have also eluded this question. There answer is something like this:
"At one point in this history, two chicken-like birds — let's call them a proto-rooster and proto-hen — mated, and the proto-hen laid a clutch of eggs. One of these eggs housed an offspring with DNA mutations, resulting in what we would consider the first chicken.
In time, this offspring's offspring would diverge enough for speciation, but since the proto-hen produced the egg the chicken was born from, we can safety say the egg came first.
Or, as Neil DeGrasse Tyson succinctly put it: "Just to settle it once and for all: Which came first the Chicken or the Egg? The Egg – laid by a bird that was not a Chicken[.]"
But how proto-hen and proto-rooster came that question is debatable. Because they must also have came from some source.And what is the source of that source?
See infinite regression?