Answer :
Question 1: DR Profit & Loss Account $2,428,300
CR Equipment $2,428,300
Question 2: DR Depreciation Expense $690,512.50
CR Accumulated Depreciation $690,512.50
Question 1)
DR Profit & Loss Account $2,428,300
CR Equipment $2,428,300
IAS 36 – Impairment of Assets states that the assets is considered to be impaired if the Carrying Amount of an asset is greater than the Recoverable Amount. Recoverable Amount of an assets is the higher of Fair Value less Cost to Sell and Value-in-Use.
In case of Monty Company, recoverable amount of Equipment will be $5,524,100 i.e. Value-in-Use as it is greater than the Fair Value les cost to sell. The carrying amount of Equipment $7,952,400 ($8,943,400 - $991,000 = $7,952,400) exceeds the recoverable amount $5,524,100, Therefore, the asset is considered impaired and must be written down by $2,428,300 ($7,952,400 - $5,524,100 = $2,428,300). The impairment loss is charged to the statement of profit and loss.
Question 2)
DR Depreciation Expense $690,512.50
CR Accumulated Depreciation $690,512.50
Once the asset is impaired, the recoverable amount of the asset is then depreciated over the remaining useful life of the asset. In case of Monty Company, depreciation charge for equipment in 2018 will be ($5,524,100 ÷ 8 = $690,512.50)