In garden peas the allele for tall plants () is dominant over the allele for dwarf plants() A true breeding tall plant is bred with a true breeding dwarf plant to produce heterozygous tall plants. These Ft heterozygotes then self fertilize to yield F2 offspring. Complete the Punnett squar combination re for this monohybrid cross with the appropriate genotype of the Fi gametes and the F2 genotype/phenotype
A) Tt Tall
B) TT Tall
C) T
D) t
E) tt Dwart

Answer :

Answer: This is called Monohybrid Experiment

Explanation: Monohybrid Cross

P Generation TT     *   tt

  Tall plants     Dwarf plants

F1 Generation  


t Tt Tt

t Tt Tt

In F1 generation;

There are 100% Tt Genotype and 100% Tall plant Phenotype

F2 Generation

F1   *   F1

( Tt   *   Tt )

T t


t Tt tt

In F2 Generation;


There are 25% TT (homozygous dominant, tall plants).

50% Tt (heterozygous tall plants), and

25% tt (homozygous recessive dwarf plants).

This is how dwarf characteristics reappear in the second generation.

The Phenotype of F2 generation is 3:1  (Tall : Dwarf)

I have attached a document to this answer to facilitate effective understanding if there is anormalities in arrangement the Punnet Square.

${teks-lihat-gambar} ajeigbeibraheem

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