Answer :
What I will say is dependent on what is in the lecture. Many topics can be discussed in a lecture, ranging from the topics of government, politics, military, education, economy, society, family, etc. In the lecture also we can discuss the structure of the lecture, such as opening, content, and closing. The contents of the lecture also must have good quality so that the audience understands the purpose of the lecture delivered. Many of the lecturers when delivering their lectures are still reading texts, so the contents of the lectures sound very flat and unattractive. So this is discuss about lecture, what is your topics?
Further explanation
Lectures are speeches aimed at giving advice and guidance while there are hearings that move as listeners. Lectures can be held at any time, there are no harmony and conditions, there is no special place pulpit in the implementation, time is not limited and anyone can preach, can be done in creative and innovative ways such as (seminars, workshops, training, or gatherings).
Lectures can be divided into 2, namely:
Public Lecture
Lecture is a message that aims to give advice and instructions while there is an audience that acts as a listener. Whereas general is overall for anyone, public, broad society, or prevalent. So a public lecture is a speech that aims to give advice to the general public or broad people.
Special Lecture
In a special lecture, many restrictions are made starting from the audience in accordance with what is desired and the material is also in accordance with the circumstances.
The lecture method is a method of conveying information and knowledge orally to an audience that generally follows passively. The lecture method can be said to be the single most economical method for conveying information and is the most effective in overcoming the scarcity of literature or references in accordance with the reach of purchasing power and audience understanding.
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definition of lecture
type of lecture
Class: Middle School
Subject: English
Keywords: Lecture, Topic, contents