Answer :
ecosystem engineer
The beaver is one of the largest rodents in the world and its fame comes from its ability to modify the environments through the cutting down of trees and the construction of dam and burrows. Reason why they are called by nature engineers or ecosystem engineers.
In general, the construction of these dams is due to different reasons, the main one being the lack of a suitable habitat, because when the environment does not meet the requirements that fit their needs, for example, when water levels do not they are enough, they build these buildings. Also, dams provide shelter for possible attacks by their predators.
In North America, where the species is native, the construction of these dams brings benefits to nature, since they help with the restoration of wetlands and in turn, generate a place suitable for the flora and fauna characteristic of this habitat. Similarly, they function as flood controllers, as they help keep water levels low. However, in the southern hemisphere, where the species is not native, the same does not happen. Since the beaver arrived, the Patagonian forest (in Argentina) was never the same again and today it is considered as a plague for not having a predator.