Write a SELECT statement that returns these columns from the Orders table: The OrderDate column A column that returns the four-digit year that’s stored in the OrderDate column A column that returns only the day of the month that’s stored in the OrderDate column. A column that returns the result from adding thirty days to the OrderDate column.

Answer :

In a database date data type is stored with date and time. Default return of date data type default on the database date setting.


Some database returns on date which contains day, month number, and year two digit number.

In sql server 2014

Select format (OrderDate, ‘yyyy’) [order year] , format (OrderDate, ‘dd’) [order days] , dateadd(day,30, OrderDate) [orderday30] from orderstable.

First column [order year] return the four year of each rows.

[Order days] return the day number of each rows.

[orderday30] returns by adding 30 of each rows.

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