
1.what does Christmas mean to you? 2)How do you celebrate Christmas in Australia? 3)What countries celebrate Christmas? 3)What does Christmas mean to Chinese people? 4)How do you think Chinese people celebrate Christmas?

Answer :



Explanation: Christmas comes in the towards the beginning of the summer holidays! Children have their summer holidays from mid December to early February, so some people might even be camping at Christmas.

Because it's so hot at Christmas time in Australia, there are quite often massive bush fires across the country. Many volunteer bush fire fighters are involved in saving people and property and travel from all over Australia to help in other states.

Australians hang wreaths on their front doors and sometimes go out Christmas carol singing on Christmas Eve.

In China, Santa is known as 'Sheng dan lao ren' (Traditional: 聖誕老人, Simplified: 圣诞老人; means Old Christmas Man). ... People give apples on Christmas Eve because in Chinese Christmas Eve is called "Ping'an Ye" (平安夜), meaning peaceful or quiet evening, which has been translated from the carol 'Silent Night'.Only about one percent of people are Christians, so most people only know a few things about Christmas. Because of this, Christmas is only often celebrated in major cities. In these big cities there are Christmas Trees, lights and other decorations on the streets and in department stores.

China is ruled by an officially atheist party and Christmas is not a public holiday. .Christmas means to spend more time with family, showing gratitude and loving, sharing and making people happy, and remembering the birth of the Savior, Jesus Christ.

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