Answer :
Short Story Of a cleaner
One day a cleaner had a mopping job, when he got to the location of the cleaning, he started his work without thinking of how and where to end it.
When he got to the last part of the room, he remembered he was at a corner, he then discovered there's was no way of getting out without messing up his work of many hours.
He then sighed and said to himself, "Don't put the cart before the horse".
Don't put the cart before the horse is a proverb that means Don't do things in the wrong order.
The proverb suggests that the opposite should not be done in the order in which the expected would take action.
A cart is a means of transport that is dragged by rods by a horse, so placing the cart in front of the horse would do things in the wrong order.
This phrase tries to demonstrate "The cause and effect" of acts on people.
Another way of saying this proverb is "Never start the house on the roof."