Answer :
Answer:Public relations
Public relations is a mutual established relationships through communication between the public and the organization. Public relation cultivates positive communication about the organization and its public through news and positive stories about what the company sells.
Contrary to advertising which is usually a paid message about the company public relation is a when the product of your organization is featured in an article without that message being paid for. A reporter may make a reference to your organization products based on what she had researched which is why it is always crucial to keep a positive relationship with the public.
Articles about a particular product have a lasting impression in customer's mind than advertising which they usually know is a paid promotional message.
Publicity also have the way of spreading beyond normal boundaries, beyond what the advertisement can reach such as a story featuring your product going abroad.
Publicity is more credible than advertisement because people will tend to believe a testimonial featured article than your own promotion of the product , it will feel objective to read about a product in a magazine or newspaper or hear about it through a radio reporter.