Answer :
The correct answer is: I, I, I, C, I, I, I, I
Many of the students in the Introduction to Microcomputers course at the University of Hartford last fall preferred using Macintosh computers rather than the PC's provided in the lab.
Introduction to Microcomputers – When we have a particular course or academic subject, we capitalize its name, although it is composed of common nouns.
University of Hartford – We always capitalize the names of educational institutions .
last fall - We do not capitalize the names of the seasons.
Macintosh computers – is a proper noun, the name of the computer invented by Charles Macintosh, so it should be capitalized. On the other hand, “computer” is a common noun and it should not be capitalized
PC's – All acronyms and abbreviations should be capitalized when referring to the one used as a proper name; PC – personal computer.
lab – is a common noun, so it should not be capitalized .