
How did objections to the League of Nations shape the U.S. Senate's decision Versailles ?

Answer :

Objections to the League of Nations shape the U.S. Senate to reject the Treaty of Versailles.


Treaty of Versailles considered as the peace treaty since it ended the WWI between Germany and the Allies. Also, it consisted of a provision and it is created by Woodrow Wilson - President of US at that time.

He wanted an international organization as League of nations the Allies. This treaty has to be signed by each country's representatives. But the senators of the US opposed this treaty since this agreement requires too much power within the League of Nations.

A senator Henry C Lodge argued with 14 reservations to match Wilson's 14 points in the treaty agreement that shows the control league will have over the Nation. Another senator William Borah also opposed the treaty. By Nov. 19, 1919, Borah gave a speech declaration of agreeing to the treaty by mentioning that "surrendered, once and for all."

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