Discuss the significance of the Harlem Renaissance. Identify a representative artist and the subject matter of his or her work. Discuss how this work exemplifies the art produced during the Harlem Renaissance. BE SPECIFIC and use your vocabulary.

Answer :



I think that you first should explain what was the Harlem Renaissance, putting on the social and cultural context of the 1920s, and why it was so important, especially for the black movement. Some authors usually refer to this cultural movement as New Black Movement. Explain the racism and segregation that was common in the 1920s and what represents the Harlem Renaissance as a counter-attack against this racism. Then, you can choose an artist of this movement. You have several choices, and several categories to choose. Look at one of your preference, or if you don't know some of them, just make a quick search and read about their biography. Once you choose, try to understand why that artist represents the Harlem Renaissance. What are his or her features? Art style? What makes them stand out above the crowd? The legacy? You see, there are several aspects you can list and explain. I suggest Louis Armstrong as a representative artist of this movement.


To help you more, think about the 1920s (or make a research about this point). And then look at Louis Armstrong, for instance, and his music style, in this case, jazz. What Louis Armstrong had to suffer to become known? Why his jazz became synonymous with this music style? And what the connections with the Harlem Renaissance? Do you think he could be what he became without the Harlem Renaissance?

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